Requisition will not approve
We are trying to approve a Requisition, but when attempting to do so, it will not approve
EERP Purchasing
Requisition Entry
Requisition is in the wrong status
A requisition will only be able to be approved if it is in a released status. If your requisition in any status that is not released, you will have to release it first.
Requisition status go in this order:
2 - Created: When you add a requisition and input the information.
4 - Allocated: After you add a line item with an account that has available funds the requisition will move to this status
6 - Released: Changes to this status when you hit Release along the ribbon of the requisitions or requisition entry program.
8 - Approved: Once all of your workflow has been completed the requisiton will update to this status.
1 - Rejected: If a requisition is in the rejected status you will need to activate it before you can release it again. You can activate it by hitting the Activate button allong the ribbon.