Account Master - closing balances SOY transfer functionality

Description of Issue

How does the closing balances SOY transfer work?

  • Account Master

  • Closing Balances

  • SOY Transfer

  • Closing Balance

  • Year End Close


Balance sheet accounts have the closing balance option set to SOY Transfer.


Closing Balance - Directs the program in how to manage balance sheet accounts at year-end closing: zero-out, carry forward or soy transfer.

  • If the value of the Account Type list is Balance, the default value is Carry, the field however can be updated to zero or soy transfer.

  • When you select SOY Transfer, you must enter the account to which the balance is being transferred in the Reference Accounts boxes.

  • During year end any amount on the original balance sheet account will be zeroed out and transferred to the account listed as the Reference account.

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