500 Error when submitting CSS BL Filing

500 Error when submitting CSS BL Filing

Description of Issue

500 Internal Server Error when submitting Business License or Tax filing.

  • EERP (Munis)

  • Business Licenses

  • Business Tax

  • CSS


A setting that is preventing the bill or adjustment from being created and or posted. 


Check the following to ensure proper setup:

Business Types: 

  1. Navigate to Property Revenues > Business Licenses > Setup > Business Types

  2. Choose Licenses or Tax

  3. Search for the business or tax type that is getting the error

  4. Click on the SELF-SERVICE tab

  5. Confirm that the Allow renewals online is checked off

Discount Codes :

  1. Navigate to Property Revenues > Business Licenses > Setup > Discount Codes

  2. Click Search

  3. Click Accept

  4. If there are discount codes found but not one for the current year, copy previous year to current year


  1. Navigate to Property Revenues > Business Licenses > Setup > Business License Settings > Installments

  2. Click Search

  3. Click Accept

  4. If there is not an Installment record for the current year add one or copy the previous year into the current year. Even with single installments we must add a record for the associated Bill Year in Munis version 2017+


  1. Navigate to System Administration > Security > Roles > WSUSER

  2. Click the Business Licenses Folder

    1. If the Business Licenses folder was white click Add, uncheck Restrict to inquiry use only and set the two Data Access options at the bottom to Full

    2. If the Business Licenses folder was yellow, confirm that the Restrict to inquiry use only box is unchecked and the two Data Access options at the bottom are set to Full

  3. Click Back

  4. Click the General Ledger folder

  5. If Allow transactions in periods prior to the default or Allow transactions in periods beyond the default is set to zero, click update and set the number of months that you wish to allow CSS users to file prior to and beyond the current period.

  6. Click Accept

System Log:

  1. Navigate to System Administration > General Administration > System Log

  2. Click Search

  3. Select the date the error occurred

  4. Enter wsuser into the User ID field

  5. Click Accept

  6. Look for logs that were created around the time the error occurred in CSS

  7. Under the Context section, review the @message line for information on the cause of the error

Additional Information

For additional assistance contact EERP Community Development Support by creating a case in the portal or call (800) 772-2260