Invoice Entry and Proof error entering Installment 0
Invoice Entry and Proof error while adding a charge detail or while Output-Processing the batch. One of the following errors can occur:
A least 1 installment is required for the invoice.
Unable to add invoice installment.
Program stopped at gbinvent_inven3.4gl, line number 2633. FORMS statement error number 1326.
Program stopped at gbinvent_inven1.4gl, line number 3111. FORMS statement error number 1326.
An array variable has been referenced outside of its specified dimensions.
General Billing
Invoice Entry and Proof
A 0 was entered into the number of Installments field at one point during the creation of the Invoice.
Install the following release for resolution:
MUN-462517 (2023.2)
MUN-462479 (2021.10.0)
MUN-462518 (2021.9.0.456)
MUN-462519 (2021.8.0.837)
MUN-462520 (2021.7.0.1138)
MUN-462286 (2021.6.0.1426)
Contact Enterprise ERP Revenue Support for further assistance.