Contract Available Budget exceeded message in Purchase Order Change Orders when updating multiple lines

Description of Issue

Contract has a Purchase Order applied against it. It also has an Available amount that is un unused. For an example, let's say $100 available and unused. The PO against the Contract has multiple lines. The Change Order to the PO is updating multiple lines within the same change order. Let's use this an example: Line 4 of the PO is being Reduced by $100. Line 3 of the PO is being reduced by $200. At this point, the PO against the contract is being reduced by $300 total. And the contract itself had $100 available. So that is a total of $400. Within the same PO Change Order, update Line 1 to try and increase it by $200 (we should have $400 available now). The program will return an error: Contract available budget of $100 exceeded for fiscal year 2023.

  • Munis EERP

  • Purchase Order Management

  • Contract Management

  • Budget Checking


Unknown-to-user Munis EERP functionality


This error message is actually by design and is correct. Though the user is "freeing up" money on the other lines of the Purchase Order, when it comes to Change Orders, Munis EERP employs "pessimistic" budget checking. Because when workflow is in use, updating a PO creates "Two" records of the PO, Munis EERP will validate any increases to amounts with the record with the least amount of available contract budget (the original PO record where the Line reductions haven't occurred). A PO line can only be increased by the available amount of the contract. The user could post the Change Order with the reductions, and then a second change order would free up those available monies for us to add to the PO line.

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