Create a system calendar

Create a system calendar

Description of Issue

System calendars are used for determining when inspections should and shouldn't be scheduled. A new system calendars must be created each year and Inspectors must be updated to reflect the new calendar.

  • EERP (Munis)

  • Permits and Code Enforcement

  • Inspection Scheduling

  • System Calendar



  1. Navigate to System Administration > Miscellaneous Administration > System Calendars

  2. Click Add

  3. Fill in the required fields

    1. To create a full year calendar, set Date range to 01/01/20xx to 12/31/20xx, replacing xx with the current year

  4. Click Accept

  5. Click Maintain

  6. Check off only work days

  7. Under Daily activity 

    1. set the type on line 1 to WORK

    2. enter Start and End times for work days

  8. Click Accept

  9. Check off only weekend days

  10. Under Daily activity 

    1. set the type on line 2 to WKND

    2. enter Start and End times for weekend days

  11. Click Accept

  12. Click Done

Additional Information

Other activity types that can be assigned include Holiday, Illness, Work (Non-local), Regular Day Off, Other, Parental Leave, Training/Education, Undefined, Work (Unavailable), and Vacation.