Employee Access Links URLs
Employee Access Links URLs
Description of Issue
What are the Employee Access links that can be used to enter the program?
- Employee Access
- Access Portals
- Admin Center
The following list contains the URLs needed to access all Employee Access modules:
Employee Access Application URLs
Home Page: https://<customeridentifier>-<env>.tylerportico.com/tesp/employee-selfservice
Retiree Page: https://<customeridentifier>-<env>.tylerportico.com/tess/citizen/dashboard
- Applicant Page: https://<customeridentifier>-<env>.tylerportico.com/tess/citizen/jobs/job-list
- Training Page: https://<customeridentifier>-<env>.tylerportico.com/tess/citizen/courses/
Employee Access Administrative URLs
- ERP Configuration: https://<customeridentifier>-<env>.tylerportico.com/tess/admin/erp-config
- Support Tracing: https://<customeridentifier>-<env>.tylerportico.com/tess/admin/tracing
Additional Information
<customeridentifier>-<env> will be unique to every site and typically be following the convention of (namestateabbrev). An example would be (tylertownme)
Additional Access Portal URLs: Master Article - Enterprise ERP Access Portal URLs