Import or manually add users to Okta
Import or manually add users to Okta
Description of Issue
Need to manually add or import non-federated users to Okta User Store
- Okta
- Admin Center
- Import
- Users
To add a user manually:
- Launch Admin Center https://<customeridentifier>-admin.tylerportico.com/org/admin-center/dashboard and log in as an Org Admin
- Click Manage users and click the Add user button
- Fill in First Name, Last Name and Email
- If the Email domain does not exist, there will be a prompt The email domain must be explicitly whitelisted before it can be used. Email domain configuration can be found here.
- Clicking on found here will redirect to the Domains configuration
- Type in the email domain(s), hit Enter then Save
- Click Next
- Check the box next to any necessary group(s)
- If just granting access to EERP or other Tyler products, no group access is required
- On the Review tab, confirm all details for the new user and click Save & close
- User will receive an email with an activation link to set up their password. It will expire after 7 days
To import bulk users:
- Note - only import non-domain/federated accounts
- Prepare a Comma Separated Variables (CSV) text file using the construct firstname,lastname,email without any heading row, spaces between the values, and with one user record
per line.- Encapsulate these values within double quotes to avoid issues processing special characters in the names e.g. "firstname","lastname","email"
- Under Users, click on Import users
- Click on Select file or drag and drop the CSV file created
- If the file was successfully selected, it will be reflected in the Upload users dialog
- Click Import
- If the import is successful, there will be a popup that users will be added in the background
- Click the Close button
- To see the current status of the user imports, click on the kebob 3-dot menu next to the Import users option
and select Import history - Review any errors and Retry where necessary
- Back to Users, sort by Date added to review imported users
Additional Information