Total of Exemptions and Credits on Commitment Book is less than total of Exemptions and Credits in the Exemptions Credits program

Description of Issue

When running the tax commitment book, the total of all Exemptions and Credits is less than the sum of the Exemptions and Credits above the total line in the Commitment Book and the sum of Exemptions and Credits from the Exemptions/Credits program. 

  • Property Tax Billing 
  • Preliminary Commitment Book (txprecom)
  • Commitment Book (tmaactcm, tmeactcm)
  • Exemptions/Credits (txexcred)

There are potentially multiple causes for this issue. One of the known causes is that there are entries in Exemptions/Credits for parcels that are receiving no bill or a $0 bill. 

  1. Navigate to the Exemptions/Credits program either by searching or using the following path: Property Revenues > Property Tax Billing > Region > State > Assessor Processing and Reports > Actual Taxes > Exemptions/Credits
  2. Click Search.
  3. Fill out no fields and click Accept. 
  4. Click Browse to view all Exemptions/Credits. 
  5. Click Excel. 
  6. Open the downloaded Excel File.  
  7. Confirm that each Property in the file is receiving a non-$0 bill. 
  8. If a property has an Exemption/Credit record, but is receiving either no bill or a $0 bill, delete the Exemption/Credit record by following the steps outlined here: Delete an Exemption or Credit from the Exemptions and Credits program
  9. Alternatively, if the variance on the commitment book is acceptable, the final commitment book can be generated, then Generate Accounts Receivable can be run, and when Generating Exemptions/Credits after the bills are created, the program will error for each property that does not have a bill or has a $0 bill that the exemption, credit, or abatement cannot be applied to. The total of the generated Exemptions/Credits will equal the total line on the commitment book, but not the sum of each individual Exemptions/Credits shown on the commitment book. 
Additional Information

If additional assistance is required, please contact Tax Support for the appropriate region.Â