Changing the character limit on Project Ledger segments - spaces being used in existing project segment code

Description of Issue

User is inquiring about how to change the Project Ledger segments character limit

After updating the character limit, user is asking why spaces are now being used in their existing project segment codes

  • Project Settings

  • Project Segment Codes


When the character limit is updated to a higher limit on a project segment, Enterprise ERP will automatically adjust existing segment codes by inserting trailing spaces so that existing codes will meet the new maximum character limit


Project segment character limits may be updated in the Project Settings program

Financials > General Ledger Menu > Project Accounting > Project Ledger > Set Up > Project Settings

  1. Select the Project Strings tab

  2. OK

  3. Change the number in the Size column to the new character limit desired for each segment

  4. Accept

This should be completed in a refreshed non-Production environment first with the user doing extensive testing and running reports to see how these changes will affect their existing projects and strings.

Please contact Enterprise ERP General Ledger Support for any further questions.

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