Estimated Tax payments missing from Payment Entry batch

Description of Issue

After posting Estimated Tax payments from Post Window Payments, the resulting Payment Entry batch is empty.

Payment Entry batches containing Estimated Tax payments appear empty when regular payments and reversals processed within Estimated Taxes are posted through the Post Window Payments program together in the same batch.

  • Munis

  • Estimated Taxes

  • Payment Entry



This has been resolved in 2021.10 and above. Install the latest Tyler Deploy release for your current Enterprise ERP version.

Additional Information

How to reverse and reenter an Estimated Tax payment: 

  1. Go to General Revenues > Virginia State Income Tax > COR Office > Estimated Taxes 

  2. Search for Tax return

  3. Click Show Payments

  4. Double-click on payment to be reversed

  5. Click the Reverse button in the Ribbon menu

  6. Repeat steps 2 through 5 for each payment needing to be reversed 

  7. Reenter payments

  8. Post payment batch from Post Window Payments