How to Reverse an Over Short Adjustment or Write Off Batch

Description of Issue

An Over/Short adjustment batch was posted and needs to be reversed. 

  • Accounts Receivable 

  • General Billing 

  • Property Tax Billing

  • Over-Short Adjustment Process (arwrtoff) 

  • Write-Off

  • Reverse

  • Versions 2019+


Site posted an Over/Short Adjustment Batch and needs to reverse it.

  1. Navigate to General Revenues or Property Revenues > Payment Processing > Over-Short Adjustment Process.

  2. A message appears: Prior to running the write-off program, you should run the Payment Redistribution program. This will ensure that bills with some detail lines that are over-paid and some detail lines that are underpaid will be correctly reduced to zero.

  3. If needed, run Payment Redistribution by following the steps outlined here: How to use the Payment Redistribution program

  4. Click OK.

  5. Click Add to create a new batch.

  6. Enter in the fields as needed.

  7. Click Accept.

  8. Click Reverse Batch.

  9. Enter the batch number that needs to be reversed.

  10. Click Accept.

  11. Verify that the batch is correct.

  12. Click Select Batch.

  13. Click Reverse to confirm placing reversal adjustments into the current batch.

  14. Select your reason code.

  15. Click Accept.

  16. Click OK.

  17. Click Post Batch.

  18. Click Yes to complete and post the batch.

Additional Information

To reverse a single write-off transaction instructions can be found here Reverse Over Short adjustment or Write off Record