Post Warrant Fee to Motor Vehicle bills
Description of Issue
Need to know how to run the Post Warrant Fee program to add Warrant Fees to Motor Vehicle bills and mark them as warranted.Â
- Property Tax BillingÂ
- Motor Vehicle (MV) Excise TaxÂ
- Massachusetts (MA) Tax
- Post Warrant Fee (mmawarnt)
Motor Vehicle bills remain unpaid and need to be warranted.Â
- Navigate to the Post Warrant Fee program either by searching or using the following path:Â Property Revenues > Property Tax Billing > Northeast > Massachusetts > Motor Vehicle Excise > Post Billing > Post Warrant Fee
- Click Define.Â
- Enter the Excise tax year to post the Warrant Fee to.Â
- Choose the Motor Vehicle Cycle to post the Warrant Fee to.Â
- Leave the Bill number at 0.Â
- Choose a Warrant Date.Â
- Enter the Minimum bill amount for bills to qualify for the Warrant Fee.Â
- Choose a Special condition if desired.Â
- Note: Only Special Condition Codes that have the Do Not Accept Payments attributes can be selected. This is so a Deputy Collector can collect payments that they provide in a lockbox file which can be imported with the option to Override special conditions preventing payment selected in the Process Lockbox File program. To setup a Special Condition Code with this attribute, please see: Setup a Special Condition Code for use in the Post Warrant Fee program
- Enter any Notes to add to the bills if desired (informational only).Â
- Click Accept.Â
- The number of motor vehicles that may receive the fee based on the entered define will display at the bottom of the screen with a message like:Â XXX motor vehicle(s) may have a warrant fee applied to it based on the define criteria.Â
- The Warrant charge code that will post to the bills will also display.Â
- Note: If the Warrant charge code needs to be changed, please follow the steps here and then start again with step #1: Change or Add the Warrant Fee for Motor Vehicle Excise Tax
- Click Output-Post.Â
- Choose an Output type for the report, either: Munis printer, Save, PDF, or Display.Â
- Click OK.Â
- Review the generated report to confirm that the number of bills selected and Warrant Fee amounts to be posted are correct.Â
- A message appears:Â Post warrant fees?Â
- If the generated report is correct, select Yes to proceed, otherwise, click No to cancel.Â
- A message appears at the bottom of the screen:Â Posting Complete: XXX motor vehicle(s) received a warrant fee.Â
Additional Information
If additional assistance is required, please contact Northeast Tax Support.Â