How to exempt town owned vehicles

How to exempt town owned vehicles

Description of Issue

Need to exempt a town owned vehicle or make another vehicle exempt prior to generating the motor vehicle bills. 

  • Property Tax Billing

  • MA Tax

  • MA Motor Vehicle 


Periodically town owned vehicles get registered with a different customer name or address causing a bill to be generated. 


If you have not done the motor vehicle import yet and the new customer record already exists in Munis follow this step:

  1. Navigate to Property Revenues > Accounts Receivable > Setup > Customers

  2. Click Search

  3. Enter customer number in the Customer ID field

  4. Click Accept 

  5. Click Other tab

  6. Click Update

  7. In Customer Class choose exempt

  8. Click Accept

If you have already done the motor vehicle import and a new customer was created do the above step as well as the following step:

  1. Navigate to Property Revenues > Property Tax Billing > Northeast > Massachusetts > Motor Vehicle Excise > Billing > Motor Vehicles

  2. Click Search 

  3. Enter as much information as you know to locate the record you need to exempt 

  4. Click Accept

  5. Click Update

  6. Enter a check mark in the exempt box

  7. Click Accept 

Please note that Motor Vehicle records can be updated after the motor vehicle import and prior to running a final commitment list. If the final commitment list has been run, then the Tax Year Setting for the commitment will be at a process status of 3, which prevents further updates to the motor vehicle records. If a final commitment list was run and motor vehicle records need to be updated, please contact support to change the process status of the Tax Year Setting back to a 1. 

Additional Information

These steps should prevent the exempt record from receiving a tax bill.  If questions arise, please reach out to technical support.