How To Delete A UB Bill Run prior to completing Generate AR

Description of Issue

Need to delete A Final Bill Run

  • Bill Run Process

  • Final Bill

  • Utility Billing


A bill run is created and now needs to be deleted. 


This can only be done prior to the Generate AR step of the bill run being completed.

If the Generate Charges step of the bill run has not been completed yet users can simply click 

Users will want to go to Property Revenues > Utility Billing > Bill Processing > Bill Run Process or Final Bill Process follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Search Icon

  2. Enter in the Run Type and Commitment 

  3. Accept

  4. Change

    1. If the Generate Charges step of the bill run has not been completed then users can simply click delete, if it has been completed proceed to step 5

  5. Click Calculate Charges

  6. Click Define

  7. Click Accept 

    1. If brought to the Find Options screen keep the Find Options blank and click Accept and proceed to step 8

    2. If brought to a blank Calculate Charges screen skip to step 10

  8. Click Delete 

  9. Select Find Set and Yes

  10. Click the Back Button return back to the Bill Run

  11. Click the Delete Button in the ribbon 

  12. Click Yes

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