Error Adding A Contact Note In UB Central

Error Adding A Contact Note In UB Central

Description of Issue

Error displays when user accesses UB Central > search for an account > Add Contact Note button. 

Error executing insert_SessionActions

Additional information concerning a status error of -691 [-547]:

 [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint

FK__SessionAc__UserS__66A7B1FB. The conflict occurred in database munubcis20216, table UtilityBilling.UserSessions, column Id.



  • UB Central


If the setting to create audits when viewing accounts in UB Central/Account Inquiry is enabled, an error occurs when UB Central launches utcstinq to add a contact note.


Install MUN-460821 or its appropriate clone when it is released.

Work around: Users can click Continue and proceed to the UB Account Contacts program to add notes or uncheck the option to Create audits when viewing accounts in UB Central/Account Inquiry in UB Settings using the instructions below

  1. Tyler Menu > Enterprise ERP (Munis) > Property Revenues > Utility Billing > Setup > Settings

  2. Update

  3. Site Options 1 Tab

  4. Remove Check from Create audits when viewing accounts in UB Central/Account Inquiry option

  5. Accept

Additional Information