Change or Add the Warrant Fee for Motor Vehicle Excise Tax

Description of Issue

Need to change or add the Warrant Fee Charge Code for Motor Vehicle Excise Tax.

  • Property Tax Billing 
  • Motor Vehicle (MV) Excise Tax 
  • Massachusetts (MA) Tax
  • Motor Vehicle Settings (mvparmnt)

The Warrant Fee Charge Code needs to be added or has changed and needs to be updated in the Motor Vehicle Excise Tax program.

  1. Navigate to the Motor Vehicle Settings program either by searching or using the following path: Property Revenues > Property Tax Billing > Northeast > Massachusetts > Motor Vehicle Excise > Setup > Motor Vehicle Settings
  2. Click Update. 
  3. Enter the new Warrant Fee in the Warrant field. 
    1. Note: Only an existing Category 30 Charge Code in the Excise tax year with the activity type of FEE can be selected.
      1. If the Warrant Fee Charge Code that should be used exists, copy it forward to the needed year using the steps found here: How to Copy Charge Codes to New Fiscal Year
      2. If the Warrant Fee Charge Code to be used does not exist, follow the steps found here to setup or create the Charge Code: Setup a FEE charge code for Motor Vehicle tax billing
  4. Click Accept. 
Additional Information
  • When using other Motor Vehicle Excise programs, the Warrant Fee Charge Code cannot be updated because it is using the Charge Code determined by the Motor Vehicle Settings program. Follow the steps above to change the Charge Code if needed. 
  • For an outline of the MA Warranting Process, please see: Warrant MA Motor Vehicle Bills
  • If additional assistance is required, please contact Northeast Tax Support.Â