Misc cash refunds are pulling into Bill Refund Processing on hold

Description of Issue

When creating a refund on a misc cash receipt, it pulls into Bill Refund Processing with the hold flag enabled.

  • Enterprise ERP (Munis)

  • Accounts Receivable

  • AR

  • Miscellaneous Cash Receipts

  • Misc cash

  • Receipt Inquiry

  • arrecinq

  • Bill Refund Processing 

  • arrefund



This is working as designed. When any single refund is generated from a program other than Bill Refund Processing, the refund is put into a held state so that it is not processed accidentally. Refunds created within Bill Refund Processing are exempt from this rule.

Additional Information

Development is considering a future enhancement to improve the process of disabling the hold flag on refunds when there are multiple refunds to un-hold. MUN-462792 exists to track this enhancement.