General Billing Invoice Adjustment errors when changing Parcel
GB Invoice Adjustment error when changing the Parcel field after clicking Release Adjustment:
Error approving Adjustment. Process canceled.
gbinvmnt.post_routine: CALL TO BatchManager.approveTransaction FAILED.
GB Invoice Adjustment IVA Workflow error when approving adjustments from the Hub containing a change to the Parcel field:
Error updating Adjustment life cycle step.
General Billing
Invoice Adjustment
Issue caused when changing the Parcel field and not specifically Workflow related.
Install the following release for resolution to the errors received when Releasing Adjustments:
MUN-462376 (2021.7.0.1534)
MUN-473973 (2021.8.0.1255)
MUN-473974 (2021.9.0.998)
MUN-473970 (2021.10.0.687)
MUN-473971 (2021.11.0.319)
MUN-473972 (2021.12.0.0 Base Release)
MUN-473975 (2023.3.1.0 Base Release)
Development is currently researching the issue for IVA Workflow Approvals.
As a workaround, the original General Billing Invoice with the incorrect parcel can be deleted or adjusted to $0 and then a new General Billing Invoice with the correct parcel can be created.