Deployment Pre-Req Missing Error X-Forwarded-For-Custom-Logging

Deployment Pre-Req Missing Error X-Forwarded-For-Custom-Logging

Description of Issue

When running a deployment in Tyler Deploy with check-prereqs enabled, or when checking prereqs from the Infrastructure Management page, x-forwarded-for-custom-logging is listed as missing on one or more servers.

  • Deploy

  • Prereqs


Application uses CNAMES 

  1. Log into the applicable target server with tylerservice or equivalent

  2. Open IIS Manager

  3. In the Connections panel on the left, click the arrow next to the server name

  4. Expand Sites

  5. Click the applicable web site

  6. Double-click Logging

  7. Under the Log File section, click Select Fields

  8. In the bottom left corner, click Add Field

  9. In the Add Custom Field window, complete the following fields:

    1. Field Name: X-Forwarded-For

    2. Source Type: Request Header

    3. Source: X-Forwarded-For

  10. Click OK on the Add Custom Field window

  11. Click OK on the W3C Logging Fields window

  12. From the Actions pane on the right, click Apply to implement the change

Additional Information

CNAME records are typically used to map a subdomain such as www or mail to the domain hosting that subdomains content

The log files are located by default in the directory %SystemDrive%\inetpub\logs\LogFiles. IIS creates new log files and appends _x to the log file names to indicate that they contain custom fields.