Accounting Entries - Establish new budget prompt lists accounts not in line detail

Description of Issue

Accounting Entries prompt to establish new budget lists project accounts that are not in the amendment

  • Accounting Entries (BUA)

  • Budget Transfer and Amendments (BUA)

  • Project String (Expense & Funding Source)

  • Establish Budget

  • Life-to-date (LTD)


While posting a type 3 budget amendment to expense or revenue accounts that are part of an annual fund, where the amendment also has project accounts, a prompt to establish new budget for PL accounts lists project accounts that are not part of the amendment.

  1. Log a case with Financial General Ledger Support to link a case to open development work ticket

    • Primary site contact will receive email notifications and case status update to Update Available once work ticket has been completed and released

  2. Load MUN-454668 once it is available and test to confirm issue no longer occurs

Workaround is to use Budget Transfer and Amendments

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