Resume a Bill Detail Adjustments Batch

Resume a Bill Detail Adjustments Batch

Description of Issue

Need to know how to resume an existing and unposted Bill Detail Adjustment batch so that more adjustments can be added to it. 

  • Property Tax Billing
  • Bill Detail Adjustments (txbldtmt)

A batch of Bill Detail Adjustments was created and not posted, but the program was exited. The batch needs to be resumed so that more adjustments can be added to the existing and unposted batch. 

  1. Navigate to the Bill Detail Adjustments program either by searching or using the following path: Property Revenues > Property Tax Billing > Region > State > Collection Processing > Bill Detail Adjustments 
  2. Click Search
  3. Enter the Batch Number or any combination of information (like Clerk or Entry Date) to find the batch. Leave the fields completely blank to find all batches. 
  4. Click Accept. 
  5. Browse the list of returned batches, click the desired batch line to highlight the batch and then click Accept
  6. In the top ribbon, click Resume Batch. 
  7. To add additional adjustments into the Bill Detail Adjustments batch once resumed, please follow the steps outlined here: Bill Detail Adjustment Guide
Additional Information