Delete Initial Tax Title
Delete Initial Tax Title
Description of Issue
A Tax Title in Initial status needs to be deleted.
- Property Tax Billing
- MA Delinquent Processing
- Select New Titles (ttnewtit)
A title with a status of Initial needs to be deleted, either so that it is not titled or so that it can be re-taken with different parameters (like a different taking date).
- If a title simply needs to not be taken, it is easier to just add a Remove code instead of deleting the record. Follow the steps outlined here to add a Remove code and prevent the title from being taken: Add a Hold or Remove Code to a Title
- If the title needs to be re-taken with different parameters (like a different taking date), then the current title record with a status of initial will need to be removed. To start this process: navigate to Titles by searching or following the path Property Revenues > Property Tax Billing > Northeast > Massachusetts > Tax Title Processing / Reports > Titles
- In Titles, click Search
- Enter the Year of the title(s) to be deleted
- Select the INITIAL from the Status dropdown
- Click Accept (This will pull up all the records in Initial status for the year that was in the search)
- Click Browse to view a list of all records
- Click on a record that needs to be removed
- Once viewing the record, click Bills to bring up the bills associated with the record
- Click Delete to remove the link between the bill and the record. This does not delete the bill. It deletes the link between the title and the bill. Only delete a bill from a title if it is Category 20 and if the whole title will be deleted afterward
- Enter the Year and Bill Number of the bill to be deleted
- Once all necessary bill(s) have been deleted, click Back to view the title record
- Click Delete to remove the title
- Repeat steps 7-12 for each Title record that needs to be deleted
- Once all records are deleted, close and re-enter Titles (Step 1) and repeat Step 2-5 to ensure records have been removed
Additional Information
For further assistance, please contact Northeast tax support.