Delete initial lien

Delete initial lien

Description of Issue

Need to delete a lien with a status of Initial

  • Property Tax Billing
  • Create Delinquent File (tlnewlie)
  • Liens (tllienmt)

A lien with a status of Initial needs to be deleted, either so that it is not liened or so that it can be re-taken with different parameters (like a different lien date). 

  1. If a lien simply needs to not be taken, it is easier to just add a Remove code instead of deleting the record. Follow the steps outlined here to add a Remove code and prevent the lien from being taken: Add a Hold or Remove Code to a Lien
  2. If the title needs to be re-taken with different parameters (like a different taking date), then the current title record with a status of initial will need to be removed. To start this process: navigate to Liens by searching or following the path Property Revenues > Property Tax Billing > Region > State > Lien Processing / Reports > Delinquency Processing > Liens
  3. Click Search
  4. Enter the Year of the lien that needs to be deleted
  5. Select Initial from the Status dropdown
  6. Click Accept 
    1. This will pull up all the records in Initial status for the entered year
    2. Use the Parcel field to refine the search to a single record if needed
  7. Click Browse to view a list of all records
  8. Click on a record that needs to be removed
  9. Once viewing the record, click Bills to bring up the bills associated with the record
  10. Click Delete to remove the bill from the record This does NOT delete the bill from the database. It only deletes the link between the lien and the bill. Only delete a link between a lien and a bill if the bill is category 20 and if the whole lien record will be deleted afterward.
  11. Enter the Year and Bill Number of the bill to be deleted
  12. Once the bill(s) have been deleted, click Back to view the Lien record
  13. Click Delete to remove the lien record (The lien record can only be removed if all links to bills have been removed successfully as outlined in the above steps.)
  14. Repeat steps 7-13 for each Lien record being taken
  15. Once all records are deleted, close and re-enter Liens (Step 1) and repeat Steps 2-3 to ensure records have been removed
Additional Information

For additional assistance, please call Tax Support for the appropriate region.

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