North Carolina Advertising List pulling Inactive Customer Names and Delivery Addresses

Description of Issue

The NC Advertising List is printing unwanted owner names for the parcel.

  • Have removed and/or Inactivated the Customer Delivery Address and Customer Names from the Customer record, but still prints on the Advertising List.

  • Have changed the Customer Delivery Address on the Parcel using Tax Corrections, but still prints on the Advertising List.

  • NC Property Tax Billing

  • Advertising List

  • Parcels

  • Accounts Receivable

  • Customers



Install the following release for resolution:

  • MUN-461234 (2021.7.0.1688)

  • MUN-473005 (2021.8.0.1429)

  • MUN-473006 (2021.9.0.1211)

  • MUN-473002 (2021.10.0.931)

  • MUN-473003 (2021.11.0.608)

  • MUN-473004 (2021.12.0.0 Base Release)

  • MUN-473001 (2023.3.1.0 Base Release)

Additional Information