Master Article - Unemployment Reporting Months Worked
Master Article - Unemployment Reporting Months Worked
Description of Issue
- When I create the ICESA Unemployment Report, the Covered Workers count is 0.
- Months count is 0.
- Months 1 Worked option isn't check marked for any employee.
- Months 2 Worked option isn't check marked for any employee.
- Months 3 Worked option isn't check marked for any employee.
- Months Worked checkboxes aren't check marked.
- Payroll
- State Reporting
- Unemployment Reporting
Reporting agencies require an employee to be counted for a month if they are covered by U.I. AND either worked during the pay period including the 12th day of the month, or received pay for the pay period including the 12th day of the month.
There is a count for each month within the reporting quarter.
If the count is missing for one of the months in the reporting quarter, that indicates that the program couldn't find a Warrant with a pay period that included the 12th.
- If you are using one of the following programs, reference Unemployment Reporting - Months Worked Checkboxes
- CT Tax and Wage Report
- ND Contribution and Wage Report
- MO ICESA Quarterly Contribution and Wage Report
- SC Unemployment Wage Report
- TX ICESA Quarterly Wage Report
- OK Employers Quarterly Contribution Report
- The EERP program name is prsastun, where sa = your state's abbreviation.
- You can view the program name by opening the program in EERP, selecting the Help option and then selecting About. The program name is in parentheses below the Munis Version.
- Example: CT Tax and Wage Report (prctstun)
- For all other programs, reference Unemployment Reporting - Month Count 0
Additional Information