Category XX Charge Code XXXXXX year XXXX is missing GL account type 5

Description of Issue

When processing various actions the following message appears: Category XX Charge Code XXXXXX, year XXXX, is missing a GL account of type 5

  • Payments Journal

  • AR Charge Code


Charge code at one point was subject to interest. Interest was taken on a payment and reversed. Then the charge code was updated to not subject to interest. This caused an error because the payment post is trying to hit an interest revenue account. 


In a non live environment:

  1. Update the charge code to be subject to interest

  2. Add an interest revenue account to the Charge Code

  3. Try to post the batch in Payments Journal

  4. If the batch posts successfully follow the same steps in Live

Additional Information

Account Type 5 is an Interest AccountÂ