Multiple Worksite Report - Month Count 0

Multiple Worksite Report - Month Count 0

Description of Issue
  • The month counts on the Multiple Worksite Report are almost all zero (0)
  • Month count is 0 
  • Payroll
  • State Reporting
  • Multiple Worksite Report

The monthly employment reported for each location (worksite) on the Multiple Worksite Report should be a count of all full- and part-time workers who worked during or received pay (subject to Unemployment Insurance wages) for the pay period which includes the 12th day of the month. 

The EERP program is evaluating the pay period begin and end dates on the Generate screen(s) to determine which Warrant(s) include the 12th of the month.

If Month counts are 0, that indicates that there are no Warrants with a Generate screen including dates that cross the 12th.


Manually adjust the counts as needed. 

A Payroll Detail History Report can help you determine accurate counts.  Search for the Warrant you believe should have crossed the 12th and export to Excel.  In Excel, Filter the Pay/Deduction Code to include just unemployment insurance eligible pays.  Sort by Employee Number and then use Excel's UNIQUE function to get the count.