Recurring Journal - Error fetching DTDF account details status 100

Description of Issue

Recurring Journal error when generating DTDF on a fund balanced journal
Error fetching DTDF account details – status: 100
System log Id: #

  • Recurring Journal Entry/Generate (GEN)

  • Due To / Due From (DTDF)

  • Fund Balancing

  • Error message


DTDF is not needed when fund is in balance

  1. .Log a case with Financial General Ledger Support to link a case to open development work ticket

    • Primary site contact will receive email notifications and case status update to Update Available once work ticket has been completed and released

  2. Load MUN-459878 once it is available and test to confirm issue no longer occurs

Additional Information

System should simply say 0 DTDF generated like General Journal Entry/Proof or Accounting Entries would