Bill Detail Adjustments Error Occurred Creating Adjustment

Bill Detail Adjustments Error Occurred Creating Adjustment

Description of Issue

When trying to create an adjustment for a tax bill in Bill Detail Adjustments, the error message Error occurred creating adjustment prevents the bill from being adjusted.

  • Property Tax Billing

  • Bill Detail Adjustments (txbldtmt)


An adjustment exists for the bill, in the year attempting to be adjusted, in a life cycle step of 10. This prevents the creation of new adjustments on the bill.

  1. By design, only one unposted adjustment can exist at a time for a bill. 

  2. Utilize the following guide to find the unposted adjustment that is preventing a new adjustment from being created: Find Unposted Accounts Receivable Adjustments

  3. If the unposted adjustment found using the above guide is in Bill Detail Adjustments, use the following to post it: Find and Post an Unposted Bill Detail Adjustments Batch

  4. If the adjustment cannot be found or cannot be posted, please contact Tax Support for the appropriate region. 

Additional Information

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