Titles cannot be processed - errors were detected
Error processing subsequent tax titles
Title(s) cannot be processed - errors were detected.
Property Tax Billing
MA Tax
Tax Title
Select Subsequent Titles (ttselsub)
Most likely a charge code that is trying to come over into the tax title process does not exist in the category 23 charge codes.
This error occurs most frequently due to incorrect Charge Code setup. The proper Charge Code setup for Tax Titles is outlined in detail here: Tax lien creation program failing due to charge code error
To check Charge Code setup, follow these steps: Navigate to Property Revenues > Accounts Receivable > Setup > Accounts Receivable Charge Codes
Click Search
Enter the Year & Category (23)
Click Accept
From the subsequent tax title report that generated, find the **unknown** reference. This will point you to the record & charge that is missing.
If there is no **unknown** reference you will need to verify you have a category 23 PRIN charge code of each category 20 PRIN & FEE charge that is being moved into tax title.
Add the missing principal charge code into the corresponding year for category 23.
Rerun your subsequent output and the error should clear.
If that did not clear the error, please reach out to technical support.