Review Sales Tax Data Error

Review Sales Tax Data Error

Description of Issue

While in Bill Run Process > Generate Charges, an error message will display with the Account, CID, Service, and/or Sequence number, along with Review sales tax data.

  • Bill Run Process

  • Final Bill Process


The sales tax is not able to find the service it is referencing.  Either the service has been removed or the sequence has been changed.

  1. Navigate to Property Revenues > Utility Billing > Master Programs > Services

  2. Search for the account listed in the error and find the service 

  3. Click on the Sales Tax tab, and take note of the service and sequence number it is trying to reference

  4. Ensure the service exists, and that the sequence number matches

  5. Update the Sales Tax tab information to match the existing service/sequence

  6. Rerun Generate Charges

Additional Information