TPAR Apply Partial Payment On Invoice

TPAR Apply Partial Payment On Invoice

Description of Issue
  • Citizen can't pay the full amount, but wants to put a payment towards their rental.

  • Check was written with the wrong amount, so total must be updated.

  • TPAR

  • Parks & Rec

  • Tyler Parks and Recreation



Through TPAR - Processing

  1. Click Edit on the Invoice to pay, either through the Contact record or Invoice>Search.

  2. Key a new amount into the transaction subtotal.

  3. Search and select a Payer.

  4. Click Next.

  5. The Pay amount has been updated. Select a Payment Method.

  6. Click Pay.

Cashiering Integration - Setup

  1. In Cashiering, Navigate to Administration>Payment Type Settings

  2. Select Edit on your Parks & Rec Invoice Payment Type.

  3. Go to the Processing tab.

  4. Enable Allow payment by line.

  5. Enable Allow payments greater than balance due.

  6. Enable Allow payments less than balance due.

  7. Save.

Cashiering Integration - Processing

  1. Resume or Create a batch.

  2. In Receipt Entry (Counter Mode), choose your Parks & Rec Invoice Payment Type from the Payment Type drop down.

  3. Search the contact by first name and/or last name.

  4. Select the contact record.

  5. Check the Invoice you would like to pay.

  6. Click Modify.

  7. Key a new amount into the Payment Total Amount field.

  8. Update.

  9. Pay Now.

  10. Choose a Tender Type and select Complete.

Additional Information