TPAR Apply Partial Payment On Invoice
Citizen can't pay the full amount, but wants to put a payment towards their rental.
Check was written with the wrong amount, so total must be updated.
Parks & Rec
Tyler Parks and Recreation
Through TPAR - Processing
Click Edit on the Invoice to pay, either through the Contact record or Invoice>Search.
Key a new amount into the transaction subtotal.
Search and select a Payer.
Click Next.
The Pay amount has been updated. Select a Payment Method.
Click Pay.
Cashiering Integration - Setup
In Cashiering, Navigate to Administration>Payment Type Settings
Select Edit on your Parks & Rec Invoice Payment Type.
Go to the Processing tab.
Enable Allow payment by line.
Enable Allow payments greater than balance due.
Enable Allow payments less than balance due.
Cashiering Integration - Processing
Resume or Create a batch.
In Receipt Entry (Counter Mode), choose your Parks & Rec Invoice Payment Type from the Payment Type drop down.
Search the contact by first name and/or last name.
Select the contact record.
Check the Invoice you would like to pay.
Click Modify.
Key a new amount into the Payment Total Amount field.
Pay Now.
Choose a Tender Type and select Complete.