Utility Billing Proration Prorate Initial Final Stop
Proration of a base flat amount is not prorating the service base flat amount in my final bill run
Final Bill
The stop date of the service was 12/31/9999 and needs to be the actual stop date of the service
Correct the service stop date on the service that should be prorated.
The formula for calculating a proration charge for Prorate Initial/Final/Stop Date is as follows:
Flat Amount / Number of cycle days * billing days
Flat Amount
Number of Days in Cycle (From the service screen bill code.)
Billing Days - (Previous Read Date - Service Stop Date)
25.00 (flat amount) / 91 (number of cycle days) * 47 (billing days) = 12.912087912087912087912087912088,
rounding to 12.91 (you get the same value doing 47/91*25.00).