How to Create W-2C Records
I had an error on one of my employees original W2s, I have corrected the error and need to create a W2C. How do I do that?
W-2 and 1099-R Processing
W-2C Processing
Create W2C Records
The original W2 contained some incorrect information.
If an employee had for example, the incorrect SSN or incorrect wages reported on the original W-2, the SSN would need to be corrected in Employee Master and/or the wage information would need to be corrected in Employee Accumulators prior to creating the W-2C.
The Create W-2C Records screen needs to be defined exactly the same as how the original W-2s were created.
The system will compare the original W-2 to any changes made to the Employee. Those changes would then display on the Employee W-2C record.
The only thing that displays on the printed W-2C is the corrected change.
Access Payroll> W2 and 1099-R Processing> W2C Processing> Create W2C Records
Define the applicable W-2C year. Click Accept.
Click Define. Define applicable fields the same way the original W-2s were created and click Accept.
Note - If only creating for a single employee, click the checkbox for, Generate for Single Employee Only. Define Employee Number.
Click Create to create W2C.
See page 54 in the 2022 W-2 Processing Documentation for further instructions on Creating a W-2C.