Actual Tax billing process creating TXA journal entries

Actual Tax billing process creating TXA journal entries

Description of Issue
  • The actual tax billing process is creating TXA journals where TXB journals are expected.

  • TXB journals account for far less of the actual tax billing journal entries than TXA journals are.

  • Actual billing journals switched from TXB to TXA.

  • Enterprise ERP (powered by Munis) 2019.1 and up

  • Massachusetts Tax

  • MA Tax

  • New Hampshire Tax

  • NH Tax

  • Generate Accounts Receivable

  • Gen AR

  • txrpgnar


A new adjustment type, ACT, was created to help differentiate between preliminary tax billing and actual tax billing. The ACT adjustments are incorrectly posting as a TXA journal.


Development is researching the issue. There is no workaround.

Additional Information

The preliminary tax process will create a batch of adjustments with an adjustment type of ORG that represent the base tax amounts on the bills. These adjustments post to the General Ledger as a TXB journal.

During actual taxes, three separate sets of adjustments occur:

  • Prelim overbill adjustments are created during the Commitment Book step. These have an adjustment type of ADJ and post to the General Ledger as a TXA journal.

  • Parcels that are new for actuals have bills created for them during Gen AR. These bills have adjustments made to them with a type of ORG and post to the General Ledger as a TXB journal.

  • Parcels that were previously billed for prelims have additional amounts adjusted onto them during the Gen AR. These adjustments have a type of ACT and should post to the General Ledger as a TXB journal.

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