Pay advices are not archiving to TCM - EnterpriseForms

Description of Issue

Employee pay advice forms are not archiving to TCM using EnterpriseForms

  • Munis

  • EERP

  • EnterpriseForms

  • EF

  • ReadyForms

  • RF


The advice template is set to use the payee other location for the department code metadata which does not match the EERP expected metadata

  1. Open the Tyler Menu

  2. Navigate to ReadyForms Administration.

  3. Select the Payroll document type

  4. Select the template used for archiving to TCM

  5. Navigate to the Form Design tab

  6. Toggle off the Use Payee Other Location toggle

  7. Click Save

Additional Information

Pay advices will need to be reprocessed in order to archive to TCM.Â