How does the Create new asset numbering setting PO Line Sequence work

Description of Issue

How does the Create new asset numbering setting PO, Line, Sequence work? 


Capital Assets 




The Purchase Order, Line Item, and Sequence option uses a combination of the purchase order number used to acquire the asset, the line item of the asset, and the sequence number from the general ledger allocation for the transaction to create an asset number

Additional Information
  • When an asset created from Capital Asset Workfile is linked to a Purchase Order the asset numbering will be a combination of the purchase order number used to acquire the asset, the line item of the asset, and the sequence number from the general ledger allocation 

  • When an asset created from Capital Asset Workfile does not link to a Purchase Order the numbering will not contain a purchase order number, line item or sequence and may look something like this: 000000000010001

  • If an asset is manually created in New Assets it uses the value of the Last Sequential Asset Number to assign an asset number, which can be changed if needed