Deductions Not Taken report including too many employees

Deductions Not Taken report including too many employees

Description of Issue

When running the Deductions Not Taken report during a Semi-Monthly payroll, it is taking much longer than usual and creating a much larger report than usual.

  • Payroll

  • Payroll Start and Status

  • Generate Earnings and Deductions

  • Deductions Not Taken 


The warrant was originally generated just for Semi-Monthly employees, but some Monthly employees were brought in via Time Entry. When those records were moved, the Monthly box was checked on the Generate screen. Since it was still checked during the Employee Update, and Include Employees Not in Payroll was checked on the report definition screen, the Deductions Not Taken report looked at not just Semi-Monthly employees but also Monthly, therefore returning a list of all the monthly employees for the site. 


To prevent this issue in future payrolls, once the Time Entry move is complete, but before running the Employee Update, do the following:

  1. Navigate to Payroll>Payroll Processing>Payroll Start and Status.

  2. Search for the warrant, click Accept and Change.

  3. Click on Generate Earnings and Deductions

  4. Click Define.

  5. Uncheck the Monthly check box.

  6. Click Accept.

  7. Click Back and continue with Payroll as usual.

Additional Information