Added Fees prevent Penalties from calculating in Bill Inquiry

Description of Issue

Payment Entry and Bill Inquiry on-the-fly Penalty drops off when backdating the Interest Effective date prior to when Assessed Fees were added to a bill.

When an NSF FEE charge is assigned to a bill after a Payment Reversal due to a bounced check, the on-the-fly Penalty is calculating from the Reversal's creation date, or NSF charge date.

  • Property Tax Billing

  • Tax Year Settings

  • Penalty Options

  • Accounts Receivable

  • Bill Inquiry

  • Payment Entry

  • Charge Codes


On-the-fly Penalty is calculating from the last FEE or NSF charge code.


This has been resolved in 2021.11 and above. Install the latest Tyler Deploy release for your current Enterprise ERP version. 

Fix could not be applied to 2021.10 and prior as to how the logic was changed. Workaround is to use a Payment effective date that equals or is greater than the date in which any FEEs were assigned to the bill. Then manually enter the correct amount of expected Interest to pay, and waive the remaining Interest calculating on-the-fly. Contact Enterprise ERP Tax Support for further assistance.

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