YTD Budget Report - Not displaying asterisk budget warning for PDF or display output

Description of Issue

YTD Budget Report is not displaying asterisk budget warning for PDF or display outputs

  • YTD Budget Report

  • Budget Warning

  • Outputs (PDF, Display, Excel)


PDF is not correctly displaying asterisk budget warning indicator

  1. Log a case with Financial General Ledger Support to link a case to open development work ticket

    • Primary site contact will receive email notifications and case status update to Update Available once work ticket has been completed and released

  2. Load MUN-460290 once it is available and test to confirm issue no longer occurs

Workaround is to use Excel for output that will display asterisk

Additional Information

Program expectation - An asterisk (*) is placed for any account where the YTD Expended and Encumbrance amounts through the defined period or quarter exceed the monthly budget amount (sum of current year budget from the master balances through the defined period or quarter).