Customize an application logo for OKTA

Customize an application logo for OKTA

Description of Issue

Customization needed for TID-W and TID-C login pages

  • OKTA 

  • Admin Center

  • TID-W

  • TID-C


Customizations needed to ensure consistent branding across products


The following steps will alter the logo images and color of the login screens of TID-W and TID-C.

  1. Ensure branding image meets the following criteria

    1. Logo image should be under 500KB, square form factor, Recommended to have a transparent background

    2. Banner image should be under 500KB, at least 960 pixels wide, landscape form factor

  2. Log into the Admin Center as an Org Admin

  3. In the left bar, navigate to Organization>Branding

    1. Note: during any step of this process, click Preview on the top right hand corner see a test page with all changes

  4. Under the Logo menu, click Select an image

  5. Select the desired logo image from your computer and click Open then Save

  6. Click Banner > Select an Image

  7. Select the desired Banner image from your computer and click Open then Save

  8. Click Color

  9. Enter Hex color values for Primary(this will change the button color) and Secondary (This will change the background color) or click the paint bucket and use the color wheel

  10. Click Save

Additional Information