Adding new write off reason codes
Need to setup or add a new reason code to use in Over-Short Adjustment Process when creating write-offs.
Accounts Receivable
Property Tax Billing
General Billing
Civic Services
Utility Billing
Over-Short Adjustment Process (arwrtoff)
A new reason code for write-offs needs to be setup or added.
Navigate to the Accounts Receivable Miscellaneous Codes program either by searching or by using either of the following paths: General Revenues or Property Revenues > Accounts Receivable > Setup > Accounts Receivable Miscellaneous Codes
Select Adjustment Codes.
Click Add.
Enter the desired new Code up to 3 characters. (Note: All code and description fields are merely informational.)
Enter the desired Description.
Enter the desired Short description.
Click Accept.
The new code will now be available for use when creating write-offs in the Over-Short Adjustment Process program.
If additional assistance is required, please contact the appropriate support team based on the Accounts Receivable (AR) category of the write-offs.