Set tax value rounding
Would like to know where to setup and determine the rounding for values added to a tax record, like a real estate parcel, personal property, or motor vehicle record.
Property Tax Billing
Real Estate (RE) Rounding
Personal Property (PP) Rounding
Motor Vehicle (MV) Rounding
Tax Settings (txparmnt)
The Tax Settings program provides the ability to determine how to round real estate, personal property, and motor vehicle values.
Navigate to the Tax Settings program either by searching or by using the following path: Property Revenues > Property Tax Billing > Region > State > Assessor Setup > Tax Settings
Click Update.
Enter the desired rounding value in the RE, PP, and/or MV fields next to the Rounding heading in the Tax Control section at the bottom of the General Tab.
Note: A value of 100 would round all values to the nearest 100. A value of 10 rounds to the nearest 10. A value of 1 does not round.
Click Accept.
Close and re-open the program where the value was being added. The value should now round appropriately based on the Tax Settings.
If additional assistance is required, please contact tax support for the appropriate region.