Add Tax Year Setting

Add Tax Year Setting

Description of Issue

A new Tax Year Setting needs to be added.

  • Property Tax Billing
  • Tax Year Settings (txyrparm) 

A new tax year, commitment, or cycle is starting that does not have a previous year to copy.

  1. Navigate to the Tax Year Settings program either by searching or using the following path: Property Revenues > Property Tax Billing > Region > State > Assessor Setup > Tax Year Settings
  2. Verify that there is not a existing record in Tax Year Setting by clicking Search and fill out the Year / AR Category as needed.  Cycle/ Comm  is not required but can be entered if known.  If the search yields no results, there is nothing set up for that Year/Category.
  3. If there is not an existing record for that Year/Category and if there is no previous Tax Year Setting to copy (steps to copy below in Further Information), click Add
    1. If there is an existing record in Tax Year Settings and no bills are associated with it, it can be deleted or updated with the correct information
  4. Enter the Year and AR Category
    1. Enter Cycle/Comm if needed
  5. Select dates for Tax year
  6. Chose an Installment method, Tax calendar status, Prelim calc method (additional information available in the "Help" menu)
  7. Enter a Valuation factor (100 or 1000)
  8. Enter a Valuation percent
  9. Check Use central address location if applicable
  10. Check Create decals here for web service corrections / supplements if applicable 
  11. Enter the Next original bill to determine the first bill number used in this bill run
  12. Enter the Next subsequent bill to determine the next subsequent bill number used in this bill run
  13. Enter Next MV deal number if Tax Year Setting is for Motor Vehicle
  14. Enter MV minimum tax, MV minimum abatement if Tax Year Setting is for Motor Vehicle
  15. In the INTSALLMENTS tab enter the Number of installments
    1. Check Split installment amounts evenly to distribute tax amounts evenly among installments if desired
  16. Click Update Installments to edit Installment percentages and dates
  17. Enter the Percent, Start Date, Due Date, Interest Date for each installment
  18. Click Accept to return to the Tax Year Settings page
  19. Click Accept to save the record
  20. Close and re-enter Tax Year Settings, Search for the record that was just added to ensure it appears and has correct information.
Additional Information