Add Tax Year Setting
Add Tax Year Setting
Description of Issue
A new Tax Year Setting needs to be added.
- Property Tax Billing
- Tax Year Settings (txyrparm)
A new tax year, commitment, or cycle is starting that does not have a previous year to copy.
- Navigate to the Tax Year Settings program either by searching or using the following path: Property Revenues > Property Tax Billing > Region > State > Assessor Setup > Tax Year Settings
- Verify that there is not a existing record in Tax Year Setting by clicking Search and fill out the Year / AR Category as needed. Cycle/ Comm is not required but can be entered if known. If the search yields no results, there is nothing set up for that Year/Category.
- If there is not an existing record for that Year/Category and if there is no previous Tax Year Setting to copy (steps to copy below in Further Information), click Add
- If there is an existing record in Tax Year Settings and no bills are associated with it, it can be deleted or updated with the correct information
- Enter the Year and AR Category
- Enter Cycle/Comm if needed
- Select dates for Tax year
- Chose an Installment method, Tax calendar status, Prelim calc method (additional information available in the "Help" menu)
- Enter a Valuation factor (100 or 1000)
- Enter a Valuation percent
- Check Use central address location if applicable
- Check Create decals here for web service corrections / supplements if applicable
- Enter the Next original bill to determine the first bill number used in this bill run
- Enter the Next subsequent bill to determine the next subsequent bill number used in this bill run
- Enter Next MV deal number if Tax Year Setting is for Motor Vehicle
- Enter MV minimum tax, MV minimum abatement if Tax Year Setting is for Motor Vehicle
- In the INTSALLMENTS tab enter the Number of installments
- Check Split installment amounts evenly to distribute tax amounts evenly among installments if desired
- Click Update Installments to edit Installment percentages and dates
- Enter the Percent, Start Date, Due Date, Interest Date for each installment
- Click Accept to return to the Tax Year Settings page
- Click Accept to save the record
- Close and re-enter Tax Year Settings, Search for the record that was just added to ensure it appears and has correct information.
Additional Information
- To copy a tax year setting to a new year and cycle follow the guide: Copy or Duplicate a Tax Year Setting
- To update an existing Tax Year Settings minimum amount: Update the Minimum Tax Field in Tax Year Settings
- To update the installment dates and dates on generated bills: Bill Adjustments Mass Date Change
- If additional assistance is required, please contact tax support for the appropriate region.