Reprint Final Proof

Reprint Final Proof

Description of Issue

Mistakenly deleted the Final Proof and need to generate a new copy.

  • Payroll Start and Status

  • Earnings and Deductions Proof

  • Earnings and Deductions


The Final Proof can only be generated once, as it is the process that marks the Earnings and Deductions Proof as complete.  The step must be marked as incomplete prior to generating a Final Proof by entering Earnings and Deductions in non-Inquiry Only mode, or a Detail Proof can be printed in its place.


To reverse the Earnings and Deductions step to Not Started, you will have to go into Earnings and Deductions and select No to the prompt asking to proceed in Inquiry Only mode.

  1. Navigate to Payroll Start and Status (Human Capital Management > Payroll > Payroll Processing > Payroll Start and Status)

  2. Select the Earnings and Deductions step

  3. Select No to the prompt stating Proceed in inquiry-only mode?

  4. Select the Back button to return to Payroll Start and Status

  5. Select the Earnings and Deductions Proof step

  6. Define for the Final Proof and select PDF

Note: If you have already processed the Employee Update, this will have to be reversed first.  Additionally, if you have posted to the GL, you will not need to post again, as you should not be changing information within Earnings and Deductions, so you can mark the step as not required.

You can also run the Detail Proof, which is the same report as the Final Proof, but is different in title only.

  1. Navigate to Payroll Start and Status (Human Capital Management > Payroll > Payroll Processing > Payroll Start and Status)

  2. Select the Earnings and Deductions Proof step

  3. Define for the Detail Proof and select PDF

Additional Information