834 Report - Remove dashes from SSN
We have a vendor requirement to remove the Social Security Number from the 834 Report, how do we accomplish that?
Employee Benefits 834 Export
834 Report
Social Security Number
The REF02 Element default is set to show dashes in the SSN.
Navigate to the program Employee 834 File Export.
Menu > Human Resources/Payroll > Human Resources > Benefits Administration > Benefits Enrollment > Employee Benefits 834 Export
Click 834 File.
Select the record for the export you are working on.
Navigate to the 2000 Loop for the REF*0F Segment.
Select the REF02 Element.
Click Update.
Update the Source Mask format to the following:
Starting with &&&-&&-&&&& update the following to &&&&&&&&&
Click Accept to save.
Create the 834 File and review your results.
Please review the Master Article - 834 Reporting for all related topics.