834 Report - Remove dashes from SSN

834 Report - Remove dashes from SSN

Description of Issue

We have a vendor requirement to remove the Social Security Number from the 834 Report, how do we accomplish that?

  • Employee Benefits 834 Export

  • 834 Report

  • Social Security Number


The REF02 Element default is set to show dashes in the SSN.

  1. Navigate to the program Employee 834 File Export.

    • Menu > Human Resources/Payroll > Human Resources > Benefits Administration > Benefits Enrollment > Employee Benefits 834 Export

  2. Click 834 File.

  3. Select the record for the export you are working on.

  4. Navigate to the 2000 Loop for the REF*0F Segment.

  5. Select the REF02 Element.

  6. Click Update.

  7. Update the Source Mask format to the following:

    • Starting with &&&-&&-&&&& update the following to &&&&&&&&&

  8. Click Accept to save.

  9. Create the 834 File and review your results.

Additional Information

Please review the Master Article - 834 Reporting for all related topics.