Tyler Hub Card Refresh Rates
What are the different options when setting the Tyler Hub card refresh rates?
Tyler Hub
Tyler Hub Card
Tyler Hub Card Refresh Rate
Individual Card Auto Refresh Interval:
A Tyler Hub card can have it's own refresh rate set within the card. This is referred to as the card's Auto Refresh Interval. It can be set as none, or between 5 and 60 minutes with 5 minute intervals.
Global Override Site Refresh Rate:
Under Tyler Hub Global Settings, you will see an option for Override Site Refresh Rate. Once turned on, you can set the refresh rate in minutes up to 60 minutes. This is a global setting that will apply to all Tyler Hub cards. If the Global Override Site Refresh Rate is enabled, specific cards Auto Refresh Interval will be overridden if the time specified in the card is less than the Global Override Site Refresh Rate.
For example, if a card is set to refresh after 20 minutes but the Global Override Site Refresh Rate is set 25 minutes, this card would be overridden. If the card was set to 25 minutes, then the Global Override Site Refresh Rate would not apply. If set to none, the Global Override Site Refresh Rate would not apply to this card.
Hub cards will not refresh if the Hub page is not active i.e. a user opens Hub and is working in a EERP program. This is by design to ensure that Hub is not draining resources, auto-refresh will occur if Hub tab is active.
Please review the Master Article - Tyler Hub for all related topics.