Fuel and Meter Entry error - Update of asset current meter readings failed

Description of Issue

Error received when saving record in Fuel and Meter Entry:
Update of asset current meter readings failed.  Please check the error log for details and/or contact Munis Technical Support.

  • Enterprise Asset Management

  • EAM




Install the appropriate work ticket for your version once it's been released:

  • 2019.1.22.2747 - MUN-458532

  • 2021.4.0.1871 - MUN-456061

  • 2021.5.0.0 - MUN-458456

  • 2021.6.0.0 - MUN-458457

  • 2021.7.0.0 - MUN-458458

  • 2021.8.0.0 - MUN-458459

  • 2021.9.0.0 - MUN-459982

Workaround:  No workaround is necessary as the record is successfully saved

Additional Information