Cutoff Process Program stopped at UtilityBillingDeliquencyManager error

Description of Issue

When defining the Cutoff Process with the Use Subject to fee codes checked off, when tabbing through the field, the fatal error appears and the program closes. 

Cutoff Process Program stopped at UtilityBillingDeliquencyManager.4gl, line number 7634. FORMS statement error number -8092. At least on field for this INPUT ARRAY must be editable

  • UBCIS 

  • 2021.7

  • Cutoff Process


When the option to use subject to fee codes is selected during the define, the charge code inclusion range is inactivated and a fatal error occurs trying to move past that section.


Priority 2 work ticket MUN-455972 (Issues during Define step of Cutoff Process) has been created to address the issue.

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